How to train a Japanese model with Sentence transformer to get a distributed representation of a sentence


. BERT is a model that can be powerfully applied to natural language processing tasks.

However, it does not do a good job of capturing sentence-wise features.

Some claim that sentence features appear in [ CLS\ ], but This paper]( claims that it does not contain that much useful information for the task.

Sentence BERT is a model that extends BERT to be able to obtain features per sentence.

The following are the steps to create Sentence BERT in Japanese.

Build the environment

We will use Google colab to train the model.

! pip install -U sentence-transformers
! apt-get install mecab mecab-ipadic-utf8 python-mecab libmecab-dev
!pip install mecab-python3 fugashi ipadic

Since we are using the Japanese version of BERT, we need to install mecab etc. along with it.

Model building

If you don’t specify GPU, it will be set to use it automatically.

import transformers
from transformers import BertJapaneseTokenizer, BertModel

BertTokenizer = transformers.BertJapaneseTokenizer

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sentence_transformers import models,InputExample,losses
from sentence_transformers.losses import TripletDistanceMetric, TripletLoss
from sentence_transformers.evaluation import TripletEvaluator
from sentence_transformers.readers import TripletReader
from sentence_transformers.datasets import SentencesDataset
from import DataLoader

# Until ver0.4, the following
#transformer = models.BERT('cl-tohoku/bert-base-japanese-whole-word-masking')
# In ver1. and above
Transformer = models.Transformer('cl-tohoku/bert-base-japanese-whole-word-masking')

Pooling = models.Pooling(

model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[transformer, pooling])

Create dataset

Consider a model that predicts labels for sentences.

We have a multi-label data set, so we create a triplet data set.

df = pd.read_excel(report_path, dtype={'text':str,'tokens':str,'label':int, "cause":int, "effect":int,})

train_exapmle = []
labels = []
for index1, row1 in df.iterrows():    
    if row1['cause'] == 1:
        label = 1
    elif row1["effect"] == 1:
        label = 2
        label = 0
    train_exapmle.append(InputExample(text=[row1.tokens], label=float(label)))
InputExample(text=[row1.tokens], label=float(label))

The description here needs to be modified depending on your choice of loss function.

In this case, we chose BatchAllTripletLoss, so we have a single statement and a set of labels.

In the following, we create a data loader for training with pytorch.

train_example = SentenceLabelDataset(train_exapmle, samples_per_label=16)
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_example, batch_size=32)
- Adjust the batch_size according to your computing environment. It affects memory usage.
- samples_per_label is the number of samples to be sampled for automatic triplet dataset creation.

Here, samples_per_label must be a fraction of batch_size.

For more information on how to create other data, please refer to the following link.

[Create data in Natural Language Inference (NLI) format for Sentence transformer]()

## Training

train_loss = losses.BatchAllTripletLoss(model)[(train_dataloader, train_loss)], epochs=30, warmup_steps=100)

Acquire a distributed representation of sentences

Enter a list of sentences to get a distributed representation of numpya.array.

nunpy_array = model.encode([str,str,])

Save the model., "model", "sentenceBERT"))

Load the model

model2 = SentenceTransformer(path.join(ROOT, "model", "sentenceBERT"))

The resulting distributed representation can be used in the following ways

Application of the document classification problem

Usage of Distributed Representation A note on classifier and generalization performance by bagging

Learn the basics of distributed representation.

First introduction to natural language processing with Googlecolaboratory and python

This document will help you understand how distributed representation works in natural language processing, and will help readers develop new natural language processing services.

technical  natural language processing  BERT  distributed representation  technology  sentence transformer 

See also